Good evening RAMFAM! This is your proud Parkside principal, Brian Briggs. I would like to say hi and welcome to our new RAMFAM, the Parkside High School Class of 2028! I am extremely excited to meet you over the next couple of months. To the Parkside High School Classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027, I hope you are having a wonderful relaxing summer, and I cannot wait to see you soon. While I am excited to see all of you, do not worry, you still have plenty of summer left before the 2024-2025 school year begins. For the incoming PHS Class of 2028, you still have 51 days before your first day of school on Tuesday, September 3rd. The rest of the RAMFAM, you get an extra day, and we will see you on Wednesday, September 4th.
I am a big believer in communication and making sure that everyone knows what is happening here at Parkside, home of the RAMS. See below for important dates over the next few months.
Important dates upcoming:
· August 1st – Freshman Orientation - postcard arriving soon for registration
· August 5th – Parkside Marching RAMS Band Camp – Reigning National Champions
· August 6th – Senior Summer Orientation – more information to follow
· August 8th – Freshman Orientation - postcard arriving soon for registration
· August 14th – First day for Fall Sports
· August 27th - 5 Till 7 PM – Parkside Open House
· September 3rd – Freshman Transition Day – Only Parkside Class of 2028 attends
· September 4th – All students return
· September 28th – Parkside Homecoming 24’ Dance
· October 3rd – 1st marking period Mid-Term progress reports
· November 8th – 1st marking period ends
Our Parkside CTE offices are open all summer Monday through Friday except for the following Fridays (July 19th, July 26th, and August 2nd). Feel free to reach out to me or stop by the PHS CTE offices if you need anything at all this summer.
I won’t keep you long RAMFAM, I just wanted to say a quick hi and let you know that your Parkside CTE administrative teams are working diligently to make sure that the 2024-2025 school year is the best year yet for Parkside. Last school year was a great year, but we here at Parkside believe that we can always do better and make sure that Parkside CTE is at its absolute best for you, the RAMFAM.
Thank you again RAMFAM for all you do! I am so proud to work with so many great students, families, and staff. I hope you are having a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you all soon!